Tuesday 28 May 2024

The Best Performing Governor in Ondo State Since 1999 - By Comrade Omowole Omogoroye


In an exclusive interview with our correspondent, Comrade  Omowole Omogoroye, Popularly know as Omo Omo, a well-respected community leader in Ondo State, shared his views on the performance of various administrations in the state since the return to democracy in 1999. According to Chief Omogoroye, the administration of Dr. Olusegun Agagu stands out as the most commendable during this period.

Comrade Omogoroye highlighted several reasons why he believes Dr. Agagu’s tenure was particularly effective. Firstly, he praised the administration for its equitable distribution of resources and infrastructural development, noting the significant improvements in road networks, especially in the state’s riverine local government areas. "He opened up these previously isolated regions, facilitating better connectivity and economic opportunities," Omogoroye stated.

He also commended Agagu for placing the state university away from his personal influence, a move he sees as an altruistic effort to benefit the entire state rather than a specific locality. This, he contrasted with other governors whom he accused of favoring their own constituencies.

 Comrade Omogoroye was particularly impressed with the transparency of Agagu’s government. "There was a clear and publicly available roadmap, which outlined the government’s plans and activities. This transparency allowed for open bidding processes for contracts, ensuring fairness and combating corruption," he explained.

The former governor’s initiatives under the Accelerated Poverty Alleviation Projects (APAP), which included innovative agricultural projects such as beekeeping, horny production, mushroom, cassava, and plantain sucker farming, which all significantly contributed to local economic development.

Furthermore, Comrade Omogoroye praised Agagu’s focus on technical education, pointing out the construction and refurbishment of state technical colleges, which are now unfortunately in decline. "During his administration, these institutions were vibrant and played a crucial role in skill development," he lamented.

In his critique of subsequent governors, Comrade Omogoroye did not mince words. He described some as "self-centered" and accused them of stifling administrative freedom, which he believes was more pronounced during Agagu's time. He particularly criticized the administrations of Governors Adefarati, Mimiko, and Aketi for what he perceived as greed, arrogance, and intolerance.

While acknowledging that Agagu's administration was not without its flaws, particularly in terms of developmental focus on the Okitipupa and neighboring Local Government Areas, Comrade Omogoroye firmly placed him above his peers in terms of overall governance quality.

"In comparison to his successors and predecessors, Agagu made Akure truly feel like a state capital and allowed a level of administrative freedom that has yet to be matched," Comrade  Omowole Omogoroye concluded, his tone both nostalgic and hopeful that future administrations might draw from Agagu's example.

Comrade Omowole  Omogoroye was the President of University of Lagos Students' Union in 1983/84, He's also the President of Union of Ikale Indigenes (UOII) world wide. He is a development advocate, community leader and the Team Leader - Ayedatiwa Surveillance Group.


Author: verified_user


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