Monday 20 November 2023

Terrórists Ambush Yobe Gov’s Convoy, Kíll Policeman, Injúre Three


 Suspected Boko Haram terrórists ambùshed the security convoy of Governor Mai Mala Buni of Yobe State on Saturday, kîlling one policeman and injúring three others.

The three injured, according to the Director-General, Media and Publicity to the Governor, Mamman Mohammed, were two policemen and a soldier.

“The security convoy of the governor ran into an ambush by the terrorists around Beniehek (75 kilometres away from Maiduguri) along the Maiduguri-Damaturu Expressway in Borno State.

“The security convoy escorted the governor to Maiduguri for the 24th convocation of the University of Maiduguri, where Vice President Kashim Shettima, received an honorary doctorate..

“While the governor left for Abuja shortly after the ceremony through the Maiduguri airport for some official engagements on Monday and Tuesday, the security convoy ran into the ambush while returning to Damaturu.

“A gún duel ensued between the security agents and the terrórists where three policemen and one soldier were woúnded, but no one can tell the number of casualties on the side of the terrórists,” Mohammed said.

He said the four wounded security agents were immediately rushed in an ambulance, receiving first-aid, to the Damaturu Specialist Hospital, where the policeman later dièd.

“I cannot release any information to you now,” Yobe Police Command spokesman, Dungus Abdulkarim, told The PUNCH when contacted for comments.

“The incident did not take place in our jurisdiction; it took place in Borno State,” he stated, explaining, “We have to wait for a report from Borno State Police Command before we can release any information on it.”

He declined to mention the name of the kîlled policeman, saying, “Although the policeman is our own here, we cannot release his name to you until we receive the Borno Command report.”


Author: verified_user


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